Nairobi City

Green City in the Sun

Nairobi is the largest city between Cairo and Johannesburg. Though just South of the equator, it enjoys a spring-like climate. It is a modern city, yet its main avenues blaze with color from tropical bushes and vines. Just 80 years ago, there was a river in an empty wilderness where Nairobi now stands. Despite health hazard and the eve-present danger from wild animals, Nairobi became established by 1907 and quickly grew as a white farming community. It also attracted world attention as the center of big-game safaris for the rich and famous. Perhaps the most famous was the safari of Teddy Roosevelt, which needed 500 porters to carry supplies and returned with 500 trophies.

By 1931, the city had 50,000 residents and was the seat of the colonial administration. Today, Nairobi has a population of around 4.397 million. It is a business and conference center for East and Central Africa and a base for international tourism on the extensive safari circuits of Kenya. Nairobi has a wealth of international hotels and restaurants. Cuisine of all types is available from Chinese for French and Italian; several restaurants also offer the local favorites. Nightlife varies from local nightclubs with disco and beat bands to international floorshows at the hotel, nightclubs and casinos. Shopping in Nairobi varies from modern supermarkets to bazaar stalls and open-air markets. Souvenir hunters will find bargains ranging from woodcarvings to Persian carpets. And there are also three excellent museums that offer insights into the fauna and culture of Kenya as well as the history of the country.

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